3 Maintenance Tips After Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening Charleston, SC

Wondering why dental patients are choosing professional teeth whitening in-office services? Having a dental professional make all the decisions allows for a safe whitening procedure that offers immediate and long-lasting results.

Why professional teeth whitening is preferred

Choosing to undergo professional teeth whitening services means patients will be under the supervision of a dental professional. This means there is no need for them to guess what type of whitening product they should use, how long they need to keep the product on their teeth and when they need to whiten their teeth again. Instead, all one needs to do is let the dental professional take charge of the procedure, which allows for safety and security.

Tips for maintaining a white, bright smile

Below is a list of tips that can help anyone who has recently had their teeth professionally whitened to maintain their new, white and bright smile.

Avoid consuming stain-causing foods and drinks

Avoid consuming drinks that stain, like coffee, red wine, fruit juices, hibiscus, dark soda, beer, and black tea, as this is necessary to maintain a white smile after professional teeth whitening takes place. Additionally, avoiding consuming food that can stain is important and includes foods like beets, berries, red grapes, dark chocolate and food with artificial colors. Examples of approved foods and drinks include milk, pasta, rice, eggs, vanilla pudding, fish, white cheese, chicken breast, potatoes and yogurt. Using a straw can help heavily dyed beverages bypass the teeth.

Do not smoke

According to Healthline, smoking exposes one's teeth to both tobacco and nicotine and as a result, stained, yellow teeth and bad breath are likely to happen. The fact that smoking tobacco can cause extreme tooth stains is why many smokers who have stains will choose to undergo professional teeth whitening services, as over-the-counter options tend to not work very well for smokers. Smoking not only stains teeth, but it is also harmful to one’s oral health and overall health.

Brush and floss immediately after eating

Brushing and flossing after eating or drinking something that can cause teeth to stain is one of the more important things one can do to maintain their white teeth. If it is not possible to brush one’s teeth after eating or drinking, it is important to at least rinse the mouth thoroughly to rid the mouth of any stain-causing ingredients as soon as possible after eating.

Get touch-ups as needed

Most patients will need to make professional teeth whitening touch-up appointments somewhere in between six and 12 months. It will simply depend on the patient's particular situation when it comes to how often they will need to undergo touch-up whitening treatments. If the above maintenance tips are not followed, they will likely need to undergo touch-up treatments more often.

In need of professional teeth whitening services?

Choosing the professional teeth whitening route is preferred, as this option is one that provides dental patients with a safe whitening procedure. This means there is no guessing when it comes to whitening one’s teeth, as all of the details are left up to the dentist. The fact that professional whitening lasts longer, also makes this option a popular one amongst busy patients.

Are you considering professional teeth whitening in the Charleston area? Get more information at https://www.dentistcharleston.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Teeth Whitening in Charleston, SC.

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